"Humility isn't an option for these people. "
-Average Americans get increasingly left behind by the culture and the economy
-Enough of those Americans feel disillusioned with the system that they elect Donald Trump, a scathing rebuke to a broken system run by people not interested in fixing it.
-What begins as shock and embarrassment quickly morphs into resentment and vindictiveness on the part of the establishment that was rejected and rebuked by this election. This was a personal affront to the pride held by those who proclaim themselves the moral and intellectual betters of society. Their scorn is primarily directed at the man, Donald Trump, but always contains the implicit inclusion of those who support him and what he represents, as well as anyone not in lock-step with the establishment.
-The establishment machine begins to coalesce around one goal: stopping whatever it is that rejected them. As a practical matter, this meant first and foremost defeating the man, Donald Trump. But it wasn't limited to this. The scorn of their rhetoric was matched by the intensity of their response to anyone who dared oppose the establishment machine. "The Cancelations will continue until morale improves."
-A year in which hypocrisy and incompetence of the establishment institutions is more evident than ever before culminates in an election with highly dubious results. Transparency is actively avoided. The establishment had won power, and had no desire to understand the grievances and concerns of those who had lost. "Move on, or move out. If you can't do either, we're coming for you."
-Repeated calls for transparency and investigations into the election are ignored. In this milieu, another election is held which determines the legislative fate and ideological control of the entire country. The results favor the establishment. Again, transparency is actively avoided.
-The disenfranchised, however justified in this perception, descend upon the capital of the United States. Their appearance can be accurately distilled down to one or two ideas, the primary being "You can't ignore us. We must be heard. We're part of this country, too, and we deserve to be heard."
-The establishment experiences PTSD of the 2016 election results, only this time, they have the power. They're faced with two choices: listen (humility), or lash out, as they have done for the past 4 years (pride). They opt for the latter. Why?
Because humility isn't an option for these people.
-The unheard, the disenfranchised, the left behind, and the silenced, have now been upgraded from "deplorable," to "domestic terrorists." Those in power now look at the collective of those who aren't, and offer a choice: "Reject those whose frustration in being unheard led to the capital protest, or join them under the gauntlet once we finalize our ascent to power."
-The establishment Right will accept their offer. The piecemeal attempts at reaching out to the unheard will be noticeably insincere, and summarily ignored.
Now what? What happens when another populist comes along and taps into the frustration of these folks? What happens when that person is in actuality, what the establishment falsely claimed his predecessor to be? What about the opposite, what happens when a significant portion of the country becomes so disenfranchised, that they mentally "check out" of the process altogether, allowing one-party rule to become the norm? How sustainable is the situation we find ourselves in?
The establishment won't change. Their pride won't allow them to. Every decision we make, every action we consider, every path we contemplate, must be built around the static nature of the establishment. There is dynamism in their responses, but the ideology that drives those responses is static. Humility isn't an option. The hierarchy is hermetically sealed from mechanisms of introspection and questioning the status quo.
I hate this metaphor, so there's your disclaimer. But here it is: the post-credits scene of Avengers: Age of Ultron features Thanos putting on the Infinity Gauntlet, saying to himself "Fine. I'll do it myself."
All of the entities he had trusted to successfully act in what he considered his best interest had failed, and he finally came to terms with the fact that he was the best agent of his own success. He realized that if he wanted something done, he probably had to do it himself.
We're now in the situation. The institutions have failed. Now is the time to come to terms with the fact that it's up to us. Storming the Capital is something I neither condone, nor condemn. I understand it, but I also find it foolhardy. There is only one way that ends. But those in the midst of a mental riot aren't thinking clearly. A person who has taken hostages and requests a plane, or a helicopter, or some other unreasonable outcome to their situation isn't thinking that there is no world where they don't end up dead or in custody. When we transfer our faith on the agents of change from broken institutions, to ourselves, our families, and our communities, it is significantly easier to deal with the fallout when broken institutions remain broken.
More to come. I try to keep my thoughts to a minimum when I'm still working through them, but I'm also trying to get back into the digital space after my hiatus. Hope you're all doing well. We will get through this, eventually 🤙
While driving yesterday, I had an idea to help facilitate more regular content creation, especially during this time when it is all but impossible to make videos outside of livestreams from my phone. The idea is that of a biweekly post that roughly takes the form of a newsletter, of which this is shall be the first volume. As an aside, evidently a synonym for biweekly is 'fortnightly,' which I'd totally use if it weren't for the association with a game of stupid dances.
My current plan for the format is as follows, though obviously this is likely to change.
-Introduction, brief life updates, and maybe a thought or two I've had lately that I wanted to share with you.
-What books I have been going through, and any excerpts or takeaways I feel are worth sharing.
-Any other noteworthy podcasts or media I've consumed lately.
-What stories I'm paying attention to (if any) and why
-Any questions I might have for you guys
Alright, it's called TL;DR for a reason. Let's jump in.
As I mentioned earlier, we have Covid again. I'm not going to ...
I know it's been quiet here lately. I'll eventually explain what's been going on with my personal life (most of it has been a mixture of our new baby being really, really difficult, and perpetual sickness. For example, last week three our of the four of us had to go to the hospital) but this is what has consumed virtually all free time outside of work and family time.
Please consider helping us bring justice to these bastards. Their indifference and complicity in the harm done to these kids has to stop. Please help us make that happen.
For those who missed it, here's an open letter I wrote to my community last fall after the suicide of a former student, himself a victim of this school district:
Thank you for everything you do. You guys are awesome, and I look forward to filling you in on what's been going on in the near future. See you soon.
ps- I will be...
Salutations! I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas. Here is my list of top ten the things I learned/conclusions I reached from this past year. Some are directly related to events, others are not. Either way, I tried my best to create a list of useful ideas for you to incorporate into your view of the present moment. I hope you find this list useful, as many of the items on it are lenses I find incredibly important for understanding the world around me. As always, I welcome any feedback you might have!
In Part 2, I use Conquest's Three Laws of Politics to expand on my specific critiques of Peterson's Manifesto, and flush out some of my own axioms that I failed to explain in Part 1. This is where I get into the nuts and bolts of how institutions deviate from their original purpose and begin to generate and pursue their own interests.
What began as a singular episode critiquing one of my intellectual heroes has turned into a multi-part series going after some foundational axioms of mainstream Conservatism.
In this introductions, I discuss Permanent Washington and the concept of accountability, and sew the seeds for what's to come in either trusting or rejecting many mainstream Western institutions.
It's worth mentioning that this recording, along with every other part in this series, has taken almost (in some cases more than) a day to upload. I have no idea why my internet is failing me as hard as it is, but here we are. Hopefully you find these recordings in time to assist you in your vote tomorrow 🤙
I've been wanting to do this for a while. It might have taken me two days to figure out how to get this from my phone to my computer, but I finally got it to work.
On Saturday, I used the voice recorder app on my phone to record a podcast covering Karl Schmitt, his discussions of power, and how we can map this onto our contemporary situation with The Regime that runs our country, and the Bureaucratic State which does its ideological bidding.
After listening to it, I realize there is some more context I need to add to the ending, so I might record another one tomorrow or Wednesday. Either way, it feels good to be recording stuff again. As always, I welcome your thoughts and feedback!
"We don't know where this thing isn't."
-Bret Weinstein
@JamesDerian suggested I pin and regularly update a thread of sources I'm compiling to illustrate the total societal takeover of Far-Left Orthodoxy, including their explicit targeting of our kids for indoctrination. Here is that thread.
Compromised entities:
Cartoon Network
Kellogg's Cereal
Mattel Toys
Sesame Street (SESAME STREET 🤦♂️)
The New York Times
The Washington Post
NBC News
Cartoon Network celebrating transgender children:
More Cartoon Network trans stuff:
Cartoon Network on "normalizing gender pronouns"
Lego released "rainbow set" for Pride Month:
"Queer up your morning routine" with Kellogg's new cereal featuring edible glitter, ...